Hitting a Milestone

Hitting a Milestone

If there’s trash in your yard, you probably pick it up and dispose of it. However, picking up trash on the side of the highway is a little different and much more dangerous. You need reflective safety vests, reaching tools, appropriate highway pick up bags and gloves-because you don’t know what you might find. Last Monday, the HR and corporate service teams went out to Shape’s stretch of US-31, between Ferrysburg and VanWagoner Road. Associates picked up many things that had either been thrown out of a vehicle, or had blown out of it. A half dozen butternut squashes were found, gloves, car parts, plastic bags, Styrofoam cups and much more. […]

Cleaning For Good

Cleaning For Good

The Robinson Township Park is a beautiful place to take the family for an afternoon of fun. Many residents use this area year-round for walks, football games, family gatherings and much more. On September 11, the electrical engineering group headed over to the park for a day of giving back. The park was in need of some improvements. The team completed several different projects including rebuilding the scorers shed for the football field, replacing the mulch on the playground, replacing bench seating, and cleaning the long walking path. Although the day was long, and a bit rainy at times, the team was glad to give back to such a great […]