Congratulations Comstock Facility!
In August 2016 the Shape Corp. Comstock Facility was awarded the MIOSHA Gold award from the Consultation Education and Training (CET) division. The Gold Award is the highest award in the MIOSHA CET awards. Awards are given to companies who have implemented an effective safety & health management system (SHMS), and who have achieved great safety & health records. There were only four awards given in the entire state, two of which were Gold. The Gold award is based on the following criteria put out by MIOSHA:
“Awards are given to companies who have achieved outstanding safety and health records and have implemented an effective safety and health management system (SHMS). The revised awards criteria places greater weight on proactive safety indicators (e.g., participation on safety committees, conducting self-inspections, reporting near-misses, thorough root cause analyses, etc.) and the elements that comprise a SHMS and allows for slight variance in meeting the revised criterion of achieving a better-than-average industry illness and injury rate.”
MIOSHA will be presenting the award to the Comstock Facility in September. In the meantime please see the link below to the article published by the state of Michigan regarding the awards.,4669,7-192-47796-393256—,00.html